Tag - Will Contest Attorney

Will Contests under Texas Law: Questions & Answers

If you or a loved one needs legal representation with a will contest or other probate or estate administration dispute in Texas, you should contact an experienced attorney for guidance and direction. DallasProbateAttorneys.com will contest attorneys can help explain your legal rights and options and give you peace of mind in knowing that a...

DallasProbateAttorneys.com Announces Successful Launch of YouTube Channel Focused on Will Contests, Probate Disputes, and Other Issues

Dallas, Texas - December 23, 2020. DallasProbateAttorneys.com brings together a team of highly experienced probate, trust, and estate dispute attorneys in Dallas via their website at https://dallasprobateattorneys.com/, is proud to announce the successful launch of their YouTube channel. Many Texas residents turn to YouTube to learn about trusts, estates, and probate disputes as well...

Will Contests under Texas Law: 1190 Talk Radio Interview

What is a will contest under Texas law? Elliott Burdette is interviewed on the topics of wills, estates, and trusts with a focus on the common term "will contest." He explains the role of a good probate, estate, trust, or inheritance dispute lawyer in evaluating the facts of the case and the laws in Texas...

Wills and Living Trusts: The Pros and Cons

When it comes to preparing for the future, there are many opinions relative to which estate planning strategy is the best. The fact is that the answer is different for every person and for every married couple. Elliott Burdette explains the differences between, as well as the pros and cons, of Wills and Living Trusts. Watch...

How to Protect a Beneficiary’s Rights

Dallas probate attorney, Elliott Burdette, explains how to protect your rights as a beneficiary. Just because you are not named as the executor of an estate, or trustee of a trust, you still have rights that can be protected AND enforced. Listen to Elliott Burdette as he explains different ways an attorney can help look...

Inheritance Disputes

Unfortunately, many people find themselves involved in ugly inheritance disputes when their loved one dies. What someone thought was included in a Will ends up not being that way. Learn what methods are available to challenge a will, and important facts that can make a difference. Watch the Video

Will or Trust – Which is Better for Me?

A trust may be created in a Will (known as a testamentary trust) or as a separate revocable trust (sometimes referred to as a “Living” trust) or as an irrevocable trust. Wills and trusts, along with beneficiary designations, are the three leading methods of passing one person’s property to another person at death.  Living Trusts...

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